Friday, May 17, 2013

We are the World

I have the Haiti version of "We are the World" in my phone and found the opening song sung by a young, passionate voice fascinating. I went on to google it and saw articles comparing the original version by Michael Jackson and the new version. There were several criticisms against some artists used in the new version. Initially, I saw what they meant. The talents of the first were amazing. However, as the second video continued to play, I realized that they are rooting for the same cause - to help. And that's all that really matters. And it seems, I started finding myself again. I was saying a lot of things, "Mon Dieu, je voudrais aider mais je ne sais pas comment. Merci beaucoup pour le chance a vivre." I said all sorts of things that made me realize how irrelevant my worries and concerns always were. I thought I would search for my mission in life and thought I would find that through introspection. In retrospect, all the experience in the past few years may have left me empty and there was nothing to dig further inside. Songs like these, were external sources of inspiration. Although I still want to travel write and sip margaritas by the beach while I write my blog, I could put that to better use by having a more meaningful objective. My parents are not rich like the Hollywood personalities in this musical piece, they have no international influence nor talent that people would come to pay for and watch. In their own way, however, they have contributed a lot. They gave what they could and never really thought of always making a profit. Maybe to a certain degree, they did. Maybe the driving force behind their actions were different, probably self-serving. But I know they have helped people. And that is something that is not hard to do. What little I can contribute will always have an effect, no matter how tiny the drop.